Tuesday, July 30, 2013

feeling thankful

July is almost over! We are really ok with that. Usually I am begging time to slow down. Brynn is growing too fast. In fact, we visited her preschool today. As we drove away she said, "Mommy, when are we going back? Next time you don't need to stay with me." It made me quite sad, but 2013...you have permission to keep moving full steam ahead! We are coming up on the end of 5 months into treatment. Braden is tired and worn out, but not giving up! He wakes up each morning with a pillow covered in hair. His beautiful thick red locks are getting thin. He still has plenty to spare, but Brynn says, "Daddy, you will look really silly with no hair!" Oh she keeps us smiling. In a few weeks we get away for a few days and we're keeping our fingers crossed we get to leave the needles at home with permission from Dr. Reddy. We shall see...  The house is quiet, my loves are tucked in, and I am feeling so thankful for all I have. Please God, continue to be with Braden as he perseveres. He is so strong and courageous. Be with him as he faces this battle and all that comes with it. Thank you for giving me him. One of my greatest blessings!


  1. I read your blog and want you to know I ask God to be with this brave man and his family. Whatever is to be I ask that you will be able to have loving memories of all that has transpired. I ask God to grant you time without the needles so that you may find cherised time in your lives. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  2. Wow, Andrea, I can't believe it's been 5 months! Keeping you in our prayers! Anonymous...very well said!
